Discovering Affordable, Non-Prescription Alternatives for Weight Loss


Hey, friend! You know how menopause has been sneakily adding inches to our waistlines? Well, I've cracked the code! I've been on this top-secret mission and found a plan that actually WORKS! Losing at least half a pound a week while building lean muscle? Check!

My secret weapons? 100 grams of protein, 100 ounces of water, and at least 30 grams of fiber a day.

But wait, I’ve got a little update! I’m now losing 1.5 pounds a week! 3 times what I was! In my quest to speed up my results, I stumbled upon this Hollywood-inspired "skinny shot" dupe. No red carpet needed! All I’ve been doing is drinking a packet before two meals a day, and it's been a game-changer! The ingredients aren't just fancy mumbo jumbo—they actually have a purpose for positive results.

We've been through it all—hot flashes, mood swings, and everything in between.

But did you know that menopause weight gain can also increase our risk of type 2 diabetes? As if we didn't have enough on our plates! With prescription medications (those Hollywood “skinny Shots”) like glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists burning a hole in our wallets, I embarked on a mission to find affordable, non-prescription alternatives to help us shed those stubborn pounds. Buckle up, and let's explore my findings!



Hear me loud and clear: YOU CAN SPOT REDUCE BELLY FAT. We Menopausal women have a unique opportunity to target belly fat. As we enter menopause, hormonal changes lead to a shift in fat distribution, with visceral fat accumulating around the abdomen. This is exactly the type of fat loss I’m experiencing! By focusing on a high protein diet, supplementing, and managing cortisol levels, I’m effectively targeting belly fat with the help of these 2 little packets.


By working together, the ingredients included in these 2 little packets create a potent force that serve as a natural alternative to prescription weight loss medications, helping us achieve our weight loss goals in a more budget-friendly and holistic way - with the same WOW factor. They ALSO help control cortisol and can alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Quercetin, milk thistle, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), ginger, and chromium team up to create a well-rounded, powerful approach to weight loss. Quercetin, with its antioxidant-rich flair, works on improving blood sugar management, while milk thistle contributes by supporting liver function and promoting a healthy weight. ALA, our trusty antioxidant wingwoman, helps with blood sugar control and weight loss. Ginger spices up the mix by revving up our metabolism and lending a hand in our weight loss efforts. Last but not least, chromium takes on the challenge of appetite control and metabolism support.

No more calorie deficits that leave us starving. No more chasing brutal workout routines that only spike our cortisol. No more feeling like failures because despite our BEST efforts our body’s aren’t responding like they used to. No more settling because “that’s just what happens”.

From my own personal experience this is the KEY to navigating the menopausal weight gain rollercoaster on a budget. Remember, though, always check with your healthcare professional before swapping out meds or diving into a supplement regimen.


Are you thirsty for more? Join my Sip & Glow Society group where the fun continues with insider tips, exclusive coupon codes, refreshing recipes, and a supportive community! It's your one-stop hub for turning your weight loss journey into a joy-filled adventure, one sip at a time.


Control Cortisol For Even Better Weight Loss Results

I know how tough it can be to battle with high cortisol levels. It can affect your mood, sleep, and even your weight. But did you know that there are some supplements that could help you control your cortisol levels? And, you guessed it, they are in this “Skinny Shot Dupe”. Let me break it down for you.

First off, there's ashwagandha. This herb has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and has been found to reduce cortisol levels in the body. It can also help improve your mood and reduce anxiety.

Magnesium is another supplement that has been shown to regulate cortisol levels, especially in people who are under chronic stress.

Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, can help reduce cortisol levels during acute stress.

Green tea contains catechins, which are compounds that have been shown to reduce cortisol levels in the body.

Turmeric has curcumin, a compound with anti-inflammatory properties that could help control cortisol levels.

Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that reduces cortisol levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and could also help reduce cortisol levels.

Quercetin, a flavonoid, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that could help regulate cortisol levels.

Lastly, vitamin D3 and potassium are essential nutrients that could help control cortisol levels.

This mix of supplements is also great for mental health support.

As someone who's been through the rollercoaster of anxiety and depression, I know how tough it can be. Supplements have been KEY for me. One of the big reasons I gave these little packets a try is because of the additional mental health aspects. I was already using many of these supplements, now they are all combined in 2 little packets a day.

Vitamin D3:

You know what they say about sunshine? Turns out, it's true! Vitamin D3 can help regulate our mood, and low levels of this sunny vitamin have been linked to depression and anxiety. So, if you're running low on D3, some extra sunshine (in supplement form) might brighten up your day!

Vitamin B12:

Our brain's BFF, vitamin B12, plays a starring role in creating those feel-good neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine. B12 deficiency can lead to anxiety and depression.


The marvelous multitasker, magnesium, plays a huge part in our brain chemistry. If you're low on magnesium, anxiety and depression might come knocking. A little magnesium magic could help keep those mood gremlins at bay!


This ancient Ayurvedic herb has a fancy title—adaptogen! Ashwagandha helps our bodies adapt to stress and, in turn, can improve mood and reduce anxiety. It's like having your own stress-fighting sidekick!


This golden spice isn't just for cooking! Its active compound, curcumin, has some pretty nifty anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It turns out, turmeric might help lift our mood by balancing neurotransmitters and boosting brain health.


Meet Rhodiola, the adaptogenic herb that loves to tackle stress and fatigue. Some studies suggest it can alleviate depression and anxiety by fine-tuning our stress response and neurotransmitter balance. Still, more research is needed to confirm its mood-boosting prowess.

I know you see it, right? A lineup of supplements that can help us control cortisol, tackle anxiety and depression from different angles WHILE enhancing our weight loss efforts. But remember, always get a professional's opinion before trying anything new, especially if you've got pre-existing mental health conditions or are on medication. Stay strong, my fellow warriors!



If you're reading this, chances are you're a woman over 40 who's experiencing the shit show that's menopause. Let's face it, it's NEVER a picnic. Between the hot flashes that make you feel like you're in a sauna, the weight gain that seems to come out of nowhere, the gray hairs that keep popping up, and the low energy that leaves you feeling like a sloth, it can feel like our bodies are betraying us


But don't worry, my friend, you're not alone on this wild ride. In fact, there are millions of women just like us who are navigating this new stage of life. And that's exactly why I created this ebook – to provide you with the tools and strategies you need to thrive during menopause.

If you're reading this, chances are you're a woman over 40 who's experiencing the shit show that's menopause. Let's face it, it's NEVER a picnic. Between the hot flashes that make you feel like you're in a sauna, the weight gain that seems to come out of nowhere, the gray hairs that keep popping up, and the low energy that leaves you feeling like a sloth, it can feel like our bodies are betraying us.

But don't worry, my friend, you're not alone on this wild ride. In fact, there are millions of women just like us who are navigating this new stage of life. And that's exactly why I created Midlife Magic with The Middle Age Muse Sisterhood – to provide you with the tools and strategies you need to thrive during this new chapter of our lives.

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