My Top Tips For Embracing Your Gray Hair

I was completely unprepared for the mind ‘eff that comes with embracing the gray.
Some days it feels wildly freeing aaaaand other days I hide beneath a hat.
I just read “Women with gray hair have long been regarded as old and done, no longer attractive, sexy or a valuable member of society.” 😅🖕🏼

Imagine my complete mind-blown’ness when Rachael Ray came knocking for a guest appearance.

Soooo Rewrite: Thriving here means finding the strength to move forward + finding acceptance within yourself…. taking risks and fostering growth.
It’s about physically seeing the beauty of your journey of change.


"I have been popping grays since I was about 22—just after the birth of my daughter," …"At 46, I finally decided to embrace the inevitable and began my gray transition. What I love best about this journey is the opportunity to embrace the new authentic me and the simplicity." 


You can find the full video featured on Rachael’s website.

  1. The right cut is everything. 

    "Finding a style that makes you feel confident is key,"

  2. Clarifying shampoo is your friend (sparingly). 

    "Although you want to use this sparingly, things like hard water buildup, product buildup, environmental stressors, et cetera, are working to turn your new grays and whites a dully, grassy yellow. Clarifying shampoo is going to help combat that." 

  3. Look for a good protein mask. 

    "Because your new grays are more porous, more dry, more fragile, if you use heat on your hair, you need to be adding a protein back in. Look for a good protein mask to use about once every week—or once a month, depending on your hair needs. 

  4. Protect your grays from the sun. 

    "Did you know the sun could turn your grays yellow? It's somewhat like a sunburn for the hair and it actually can't be reversed. Make sure you're covering your hair with a hat, a scarf, under an umbrella—something like that. Protect your hair like you would your skin from sunburn." 

  5. Don't let anyone tell you what your gray journey should look like! 

    There's no one way to go gray.

  6. Stress Less

    High stress levels can not only affect your mood and health (leading to high cortisol) but also your hair, possibly leading to thinning. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, regular exercise, and mindfulness practices can significantly impact your overall well-being and help maintain healthy, vibrant hair.

    Understanding Cortisol's Impact

    If your hair is thinning, it might be due to high cortisol levels caused by stress. Symptoms include belly fat, irritability, sleep disturbances, constant weight gain, and cravings for sugar and salt. Managing stress and consulting healthcare providers are crucial steps towards normalizing cortisol levels, supporting healthy hair growth, and improving overall well-being.

    My Secret Weapon: Natural Cortisol-Balancing Lemonades

    I found a delightful way to manage cortisol with two delicious lemonades a day, packed with natural ingredients like ashwagandha and rhodiola.

    Since I started this protocol, not only did I shed 20 pounds, but my energy levels skyrocketed, my mood stabilized, and yes—I started sleeping through the night again! It felt like a miracle, but really, it was all about giving my body what it needed to fight the cortisol chaos.

    Why Lemonade? It makes the intake of these supplements enjoyable and easy to incorporate into your daily routine. You start your day with a refreshing drink that wakes you up (and your metabolic friends too!) and another in the afternoon to keep those stress levels nicely tucked away as you wind down.

    If you're riding the high-cortisol struggle bus, this tasty, natural protocol might just be the ticket you need to hop off.

    Remember, always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new health regimen.


    Here’s to less stress and more living! Cheers to embracing our fabulous grays and feeling as good as we look. Welcome to the stylish silver club, where every strand tells a story of courage and elegance.

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