How To Make Manifesting A Part Of Your Daily Routine?

There has been a lot of talk around law of attraction more so than ever since people watched & read The Secret.

But what is Law Of Attraction?

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.

So, how does one apply the law of attraction? How can you attract what you want in your lives?

The answer is simple - Gratitude + Bliss aka improving your mindset.

Without being grateful for what you have, you can not attract anything in your life. And without having the right mindset - to stay positive, think happy thoughts & be grateful - you'll be doom and gloom you will remain under that cloud.

Here are some ways you can start leveraging the Law Of Attraction and make manifesting a part of your daily routine!

1) Make a list of all the things which make you completely happy.  Then go out and do it. See if you can fill an entire week of your free time with activities that are fun and emotionally rewarding to you.  

2) Get a journal   Every morning when you wake up, or every night before bed write out your feels about the way you plan to, or spent your day.  Make a point to express how you feel. Your feelings are extremely important because they inform the law of attraction as to your present vibration.

3) Each day search out activities that you may have wished to try but never got around to doing them.  The more new and fun activities that you engage in the more expanded you will feel.  You will naturally move into a higher more enlightened state. New activities open up your inner being much more than activities that you have become too familiar with.  When you are in a new environment you easily move into a more aware and open state.

Before you know it, you will be a change in your own personal energy.  Then you can begin to think more about what you would like to manifest in your life.  Be clear about your desire and allow the law of attraction to go to work to do wonders in bringing about your desires.  

To get the most benefits from the law of attraction, remember to do your best to stay in a state of joy and openness.  As you go through your daily activities you may not even be aware of it but you can easily shut down. Your old routine will easily hold on to old thought patterns--shake up your routine when possible and practice mindfulness and awareness to increase your manifesting powers!